Tyrah Cobb-Davis (she/her)


Master's Student | Geography and Environmental Systems

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Project: Baltimore City Rainfall Data Visualization (2019)

Project Description: This analysis aimed to simply get a better understanding of how to use the rainfall data before diving deeper into future analyses. It is important to become familiar with general trends and such before trying to relate it to other things such as physical and social factors.

Loading the necessary library packages needed.

We load in the various libraries needed to run the code. These packages allow one to read csv files, create maps, manipulate data, etc.


Uploading rainfall data and the corresponding lat/long locations from another data file

#this is pulling in the rainfall data for 2019, information collected every 15min
rainfall_data <- read_csv("/Users/Tyrah/adv GIS classwork/finalproject_687/BaltCity2019_Tyrah_finalproject.csv")

#this is the location of the pixels collecting the rainfall data
pixels_latlong <- read_csv("/Users/Tyrah/adv GIS classwork/finalproject_687/Balt_latlong.csv")

# this is getting the geometries of the pixels
# pixel_location <- st_as_sf(pixels_latlong, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)
# plot(pixel_location$geometry)

This allows one to work with a longer dataset, rather than a wide one. This made it easier to then join the grid number to the corresponding lat/long values.

rainfall_data_transposed <- rainfall_data %>% pivot_longer(cols = 3:244, names_to = "gridnum", values_to = "rainmm")

#had to change this column to be of character type (original a double), so that it could join with the gridnum column in another dataframe
pixels_latlong$PixelNumber <- as.character(pixels_latlong$PixelNumber)

rainwithlatlong <- left_join(rainfall_data_transposed, pixels_latlong, by = c("gridnum" = "PixelNumber")) #joining the transposed rainfall data to lat long to give it geometry

rainwithlatlong$gridnum <- as.vector(rainwithlatlong$gridnum)

#if i dont use the removed zeros in the group by can also use rainwithlatlong
removed_zeros <- filter(rainwithlatlong, rainmm > 0)
dayandpixel <- removed_zeros %>% group_by(Date, gridnum, latitude, longitude)
# sumbyday_rain <- dayandpixel %>% summarise(
#   sum = sum(rainmm)
# )

by_gridnum <- rainwithlatlong %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
sum_rain <- by_gridnum %>% summarise(
  rain = sum(rainmm),
  mean = mean(rainmm)

rain_sf <- st_as_sf(sum_rain, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)
rain_proj <- rain_sf %>% st_transform(3857)

totalrain_plot <- tm_shape(rain_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-Spectral") + 
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) per Pixel (2019)", main.title.size = .89)

This is breaking down the rain data by corresponding month

After relating the date, time step, and grid number to a geographic location via lat long, it was time to sort the data by month. After this, I grouped by the columns I was most interested in (gridnum, lat,long) and then took the average across all time steps and days to get an idea of how rain was distributed in each area of Baltimore City.

#Create date object
dayandpixel$Date <- as.Date(dayandpixel$Date)

april <- filter(dayandpixel, between(Date, as.Date("2019-04-01"), as.Date("2019-05-1")))
  april_rain <- april %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
  totalapril <- april_rain%>% summarise(
    rain = sum(rainmm))
april_sf <- st_as_sf(totalapril, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)

april_rain <- tm_shape(april_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-viridis", style="cont", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250)) + 
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) in April (2019)", main.title.size = .5)

may <- filter(dayandpixel, between(Date, as.Date("2019-05-01"), as.Date("2019-06-1")))
  may_rain <- may %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
  totalmay <- may_rain%>% summarise(
    rain = sum(rainmm))
may_sf <- st_as_sf(totalmay, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)

may_rain <- tm_shape(may_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-viridis", style="cont", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250)) + 
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) in May (2019)", main.title.size = .5)
june <- filter(dayandpixel, between(Date, as.Date("2019-06-01"), as.Date("2019-07-1")))
  june_rain <- may %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
  totaljune <- june_rain%>% summarise(
    rain = sum(rainmm))
  june_sf <- st_as_sf(totaljune, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)

june_rain <- tm_shape(june_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-viridis", style="cont", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250)) + 
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) in June (2019)", main.title.size = .5)

july <- filter(dayandpixel, between(Date, as.Date("2019-07-01"), as.Date("2019-08-1")))
  july_rain <- july %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
  totaljuly <- july_rain%>% summarise(
    rain = sum(rainmm))
july_sf <- st_as_sf(totaljuly, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)

july_rain <- tm_shape(july_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-viridis", style="cont", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250)) + 
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) in July (2019)", main.title.size = .5)

august <- filter(dayandpixel, between(Date, as.Date("2019-08-01"), as.Date("2019-09-1")))
  aug_rain <- august %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
  totalaug <- aug_rain%>% summarise(
    rain = sum(rainmm))
aug_sf <- st_as_sf(totalaug, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)

aug_rain <- tm_shape(aug_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-viridis", style="cont", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250)) + 
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) in August (2019)", main.title.size = .5)

september <- filter(dayandpixel, between(Date, as.Date("2019-09-01"), as.Date("2019-10-1")))
  sept_rain <- september %>% group_by(gridnum, latitude, longitude)
  totalsept <- sept_rain%>% summarise(
    rain = sum(rainmm))
sept_sf <- st_as_sf(totalsept, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),  crs = 4326)

sept_rain <- tm_shape(sept_sf) +
  tm_dots(group ="rain", col = "rain", size = 1, palette = "-viridis", style="cont", breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250)) +
  tm_layout( outer.margins = rep(0.06, 6),inner.margins = rep(0.08, 8), main.title = "Total Amount of Rainfall(mm) in Sept (2019)", main.title.size = .5)

This is to show total rain (mm) over time from April to September 2019

This is simply just creating a series of maps for each month and saving them as an image file so that they can be combined together to make a gif to show change over time.

tmap_save(filename = "april.png", tm=april_rain,width=4,height=4,units="in",scale=1)
aprilgif <- image_read("april.png")

tmap_save(filename = "may.png", tm=may_rain,width=4,height=4,units="in",scale=1)
maygif <- image_read("may.png")

tmap_save(filename = "june.png", tm=june_rain,width=4,height=4,units="in",scale=1)
junegif <- image_read("june.png")

tmap_save(filename = "july.png", tm=july_rain,width=4,height=4,units="in",scale=1)
julygif <- image_read("july.png")

tmap_save(filename = "aug.png", tm=aug_rain,width=4,height=4,units="in",scale=1)
auggif <- image_read("aug.png")

tmap_save(filename = "sept.png", tm=sept_rain,width=4,height=4,units="in",scale=1)
septgif <- image_read("sept.png")

img <- c(aprilgif, maygif, junegif, julygif, auggif, septgif)

image_append(image_scale(img, "x300"))

my.animation <-image_animate(image_scale(img, "400x400"), fps = 1, dispose = "previous")
image_write(my.animation, "rainperpixel.gif")